The construction industry is one of the riskiest industries to work in due to the risk of falling objects, construction debris, and massive construction equipment. However, dust is one of the risk factors in the industry that is rarely discussed. Almost every construction activity produces dust. And as a construction project manager, you are responsible for keeping your site dust-free. One way to do this is to use bulk water services.
This article will highlight three dangers of dust on your construction site and how bulk water haulage services can help.
1. Employees Safety
The dust produced during demolition, drilling, and other building procedures is not just a bother. It also puts your employees at significant health risk. Yes, continued exposure to construction debris puts your employees at risk of lung infections, asthma, or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Some respiratory diseases could make the affected employees go for early retirement, and your company may have to compensate them. Bulk water haulage services apply water on dusty surfaces to stifle dust particles and prevent them from becoming airborne. This reduces exposure to dust-related complications.
2. Equipment Safety
Your construction equipment might also be affected by dust too. Dust clogs air filters, reducing their efficiency and reduce performance. Even worse, if dust finds its way into your equipment engines, it can wear down their cylinders, rings, or pistons, necessitating replacement. Replacement of construction machine engines can use up a huge chunk of money and affect your project. Therefore, you need bulk water services to control the dust on your construction site before it damages your equipment.
3. Environmental Pollution
Construction dust can also cause immense pollution when released into the environment. For example, it can cover plants' leaves and limit photosynthetic activity. Without photosynthesis, plants cannot make food. As mentioned, you have a legal responsibility to keep the dust level in your construction site as minimal as possible. And what is a cheaper and more effective way to do this than hiring bulk water services for dust control? Remember that taking measures to control environmental pollution is a public relations mechanism that could help you bring more business on board.
As you can see, dust is the last thing you want on your construction site. Unfortunately, you cannot avoid it, so you should take measures to control it. If you wonder how to control dust on your construction site, do not hesitate to engage a bulk water haulage company. They will be able to supply clean water to reduce dust in your construction site for a healthy working environment.