The Equipment for Industries

Food Preparation Equipment For Your New Eating Establishment

by Lorraine Kuhn

If a lot of prep work will need to be conducted at your new eating establishment, you may be seeking some equipment such as Continental restaurant equipment that will aid with each slicing, chopping, or mixing operation. A commercial-grade food processor and a floor mixer are two pieces of machinery that will allow you to prepare large batches of food quickly.

A Commercial Grade Food Processor

A batch bowl processor or a continuous feed processor will be useful for preparing salads or homemade soup ingredients. Either type of processor can also be used to dice fresh fruits that are going to be used as dessert toppings or fillings. A batch bowl processor may resemble a food processor that is intended for home use.

An industrial model, however, may be much larger in size or may contain a wide range of speeds and cutting functions that will be useful when preparing many of your menu items. Raw ingredients will need to be dropped downward, through a food processor's opening. As food is cut, it will wind up in a stainless steel or glass bowl.

If you have a salad station within your kitchen, setting up a batch bowl processor nearby will provide your cooking staff with a convenient way to prepare ingredients and salads simultaneously. A continuous feed processor will have a top opening and a side dispenser. This type of commercial-grade equipment will support chopping large volumes of food. As products are cut, they will be released from the dispenser.

A Floor Mixer

A floor mixer can be used to prepare fresh doughs, batters, and icings. If your restaurant will feature homemade bread, pastries, and other products that will require the use of a blended mixture, owning a floor mixer can make a big difference in how your restaurant's operations are handled each day. Shop for a floor mixer that is constructed of stainless steel. This type of product is heat and moisture-resistant.

A quality mixer will contain a control pad that will allow an end-user to adjust the speed of the mixing tools. A floor mixer model may come with standard mixer attachments, paddles, whisks, and more. Each accessory that a mixer contains may be designated for a specific mixing application. A floor mixer can be set up near an electrical outlet. If raw ingredients will be used immediately after they are mixed, a mixer should be installed next to a prep table.
